Tuesday, May 7, 2024

City Nature Challenge 2024: What’s next??

Hey there, nature enthusiasts! 🎉

Thanks a bunch for joining us in the amazing City Nature Challenge 2024. Your contribution means the world to our citizen science initiative!

Now that you've uploaded your biodiversity observations to iNaturalist, let's dive into what you can do next:












Step 1: Explore and Identify

First up, let's get identifying! Take some time to explore your observations and delve into the data. Identify the species you've spotted, and if you're unsure, don't worry - you can learn along the way! Exploring the data not only helps improve accuracy but also deepens your understanding of your local environment.

Once you've identified some species, why not lend a hand in verifying identifications from others? Consensus among multiple identifiers increases the accuracy of the data, so your input is super valuable. Dive into discussions, learn from experts, and contribute to the collective knowledge base.

Got some favourites among your observations? Share them on social media and spread the word about the City Nature Challenge! Encourage others to get involved and celebrate the wonders of nature in your area.


Step 2: Apply and Share

Ready to dive deeper into the biodiversity of your area? Let's get organized! Create checklists of the birds, plants, and insects you've encountered. These lists are invaluable resources for future adventurers and researchers, guiding exploration and discovery.

Feeling green-thumb inspired? Embark on seed collection adventures from native plants you've observed. By propagating native plants, you can help restore natural habitats and support local ecosystems. Remember to follow ethical guidelines and only collect where permitted.

Eager to discover new birding hot-spots? Use your observations to identify potential birding sites in your area. Explore new locations based on the species you've observed, and contribute to local birding communities by sharing your findings.


Step 3: Engage and Grow

Looking ahead, let's continue to supercharge our community and teaching resources. Start by organizing educational workshops to teach others how to be awesome citizen scientists using platforms like iNaturalist.

Team up with educators to develop curriculum materials centered around biodiversity, ecology, and conservation. These resources can be tailored for use in schools, community centers, or informal learning environments, enriching education for all ages.

Host citizen science events, such as bio-blitzes or nature walks, where community members can come together to observe and document local biodiversity. These events foster collaboration, learning, and a sense of stewardship for the natural world.

Lastly, develop online resources such as interactive maps, data visualizations, or educational videos showcasing the biodiversity of your region. These resources can be accessible to a wide audience and serve as valuable educational tools for years to come.

Keep up the awesome work! Together, we're making a real splash in biodiversity conservation and research. 🌍🌱

#CityNatureChallenge #CitizenScience

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

City Nature Challenge: Uniting Urban and Wild Through Citizen Science

Timeline 2024



Making Observations

April 26 to April 29, 2024

Upload and identify

April 30 to May 5, 2024

Results announced

May 6, 2024


Important Dates:

All observations made starting on April 26 at 12:00 AM local time and up until April 29 at 11:59 PM local time will count for the City Nature Challenge. It's important for participants to make their observations within this time-frame to ensure their contributions are included in the challenge.

In preparation for the upcoming City Nature Challenge in Mumbai, it's essential for participants to acquaint themselves with the guidelines and best practices that will ensure a successful and rewarding experience.

Participation Guidelines:

Familiarize Yourself with Local Flora and Fauna: Take some time to learn about the common plants, animals, and fungi found in your locality beforehand. This will help you identify and document them more accurately during the challenge.

Use the iNaturalist App: Make use of the iNaturalist app to record your observations. This helps in collecting valuable data for scientific research and conservation efforts. Visit to the iNaturalist website or install iNaturalist App from Google play store.

Pay Attention to Details: Take clear and detailed photos of the organisms you find. Focus on key features such as leaves, flowers, bark, and any distinguishing characteristics. Cover as many different angles in your observations.

Follow Safety Guidelines: Ensure your safety while exploring nature. Wear appropriate footwear and sun protection, and adhere to trail etiquettes. Stay on designated paths, watch out for hazards like snakes or thorny plants, and be mindful of your surroundings.

Etiquette and Conduct:

Respect Wildlife: While observing and documenting wildlife, avoid disturbing or harming them in any way. Maintain a respectful distance and refrain from touching or feeding animals.

Respect Private Property: Respect private property and obtain permission before entering restricted areas. Stick to designated trails and public spaces.

Keep the Environment Clean: Keep the environment clean by properly disposing of any trash or waste you generate during the challenge. Leave no trace behind.

Annotate your observations: Remember to mark observations of non-wild organisms, such as Pets/Animals Zoo or plants in pots, as captive/cultivated on iNaturalist.

Enjoy the Experience: Lastly, don't forget to enjoy the experience! The City Nature Challenge is not just about data collection but also about appreciating and connecting with the natural world around us.

By following these participation guidelines, etiquette, and observing the timeline, participants can contribute meaningfully to the City Nature Challenge while also ensuring their own safety and the well-being of the environment.

Embark on the City Nature Challenge journey, where urban landscapes meld with the untamed wilderness, fostering a harmonious coexistence between city life and the natural world.

Things to carry:

Camera or Smartphone with GPS preferably with pre-installed iNaturalist app for on-the-go identification, binoculars, notebook, field guide, water bottle and light snacks.

Wear protective footwear, weather-appropriate clothing, desirable to carry sun protection, insect repellent, torch and one first aid kit per group.

City Nature Challenge 2024: What’s next??

Hey there, nature enthusiasts! 🎉 Thanks a bunch for joining us in the amazing City Nature Challenge 2024. Your contribution means the ...